
Discord online
Discord online

That is not how most social media works, that is a security whole a mile wide, and discord is going to get sued when a hacker figures that out and starts nicking people's discord accounts by just opening the web discord and clicked "open".įor example: If I log onto facebook, log out of facebook, restart that computer and go to facebook, facebook does NOT log me in without a login, nor does live, nor does google plus. I verified it was me logging into that computer and that browser once and now for the life of that PC I am logged in every time the computer restarts. If the computer is then restarted, I go to chrome on discord's web platform (not the ap) and click "open discord" it opens right into my account without any login at all. I logged out, I verified under chrome's settings in passwords that the site credentials have been cleared.

discord online discord online

Actually no, that's not what I am saying.

Discord online